The journal «Vestnik Roszdravnadzora» is included in the list of leading peer reviewed magazines included in the Highest Attestation Commission of Russia in the list of journals recommended for the publication of the basic scientific results of dissertations for the degree of Candidate and Doctor of Science. To comply with the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission and GOST R, copyright articles should be provided in strict accordance with the rules below.

Only original studies and review articles that were not previously published in other journals, including partially or in other languages, as well as in electronic outlets, are subject to publication in the journal. It is not allowed to submit manuscripts which were already submitted to other magazines for consideration.

All materials submitted to the editorial office undergoes an audit in the «Antiplagiat» system, are peer reviewed and edited. The minimum threshold of originality for scientific work is 85%.

If the reviewer has questions and comments, an article with comments of the reviewer and recommendations for refinement is returned to the author. The submission date of the article is the date of submission of the final version of the article.

All articles must be accompanied by an official referral from the institution where the work was performed, if necessary - an expert opinion, have a visa of the head or deputy head of the institution that submitted the article, and be certified by a seal. The scan of the first page of the article in Adobe Acrobat (*.pdf) with signatures of all authors is also sent to the editorial office of the journal.

A table with generalized requirements for manuscripts for submission to the journal is available here.

The title page indicates:

  1. Title of the article (no more than 15 words) with translation into English. In the title of the article, the use of abbreviations (except for generally accepted ones) and commercial names of drugs and equipment is not allowed; the title should reflect the content of the article.
  2. 2. Data for each author: name (initials are completely decrypted), scientific degree, full name of the place of work; full name of the position held; contact phone number (will not be indicated when printing the article); E-mail address; ORCID (all authors should be registered in Open Researcher and Contributor ID). One of the authors should be indicated as a contact person for negotiations and correspondence for the material presented to the editorial office. The editors of the journal strongly recommend that authors, when writing their last name (and the name of the institution - place of work) in English, use the option that is already included in Russian and foreign databases (RSCI, WoS, Scopus), or the option written in the passport. With different spellings of the surname, it is impossible to correctly cite your works. The section should include a brief description of each author's contribution (general guidance, collection of information, development of a statistical model, data processing, etc.).
  3. Full name of institutions - places of work of the authors, indicating the address with an index. Names of institutions and addresses must be translated into English.
  4. Bibliographic link to the article for citation in Russian and English.
  5. Abstract in Russian and English.
  6. Keywords in Russian and English.

An example of designing a title sheet of manuscript can be downloaded here.

Requirements for the content of the manuscript

1. Abstract should contain the following structural elements: the subject of the study, the purpose of the article; methodology and research results; scope of the resulting results; conclusions (conclusion); the text of the abstract should not contain abbreviations; the volume can not exceed 800 signs with spaces. In the abstract, as well as in the name of the article, commercial names of drugs and equipment should not be used.

For original articles, a structured abstract is required, while for other types of articles (bibliographic review, clinical case demonstration, exchange of experience), standard text reflecting the main ideas of the article is required. A structured abstract should have the following sections:

  • Background,reflecting the history of the issue and the importance of its study.
  • Objective,reflecting the purpose of the study or the hypothesis that the authors of the article studied in their work.
  • Material and methods— the section should include a brief description of the patient groups, the treatment/examination option, and which statistical analysis methods (with program indication) were used.
  • Results,describes the results obtained by the authors and shows / does not show their statistical significance.
  • Conclusionsbased on the results and reflect their significance.

2. Keywords should reflect the subject area of the article as accurately as possible, the author should offer no more than 10 keywords (5 phrases) with translation into English. The location of words is in the order of significance. The quotation of the article depends on the correct choice of keywords.

Note! The translation of the abstract and keywords into English should be performed by an industry specialist-translator and clearly reflect the content of the article, because the abstract and keywords are the main sources of information about the publication in international information systems and databases that index the journal.

3. Background: it is necessary to formulate the relevance and necessity of the study; give a brief description of the state of the issue at the present stage with links to the most significant publications. The volume is up to 2.5 thousand characters with spaces.

4. Objective: briefly (2–4 sentences) state the goals and objectives of the study/work. When formulating, it is necessary to use a standard set of verbs: “reveal”, “prove”, “develop”, “verify”, “justify”, “determine”, “create”, etc.

5. Material and methods. It is necessary to list all the methods of research used in the work, to describe statistical methods and a statistical package used in the processing of the results.

6. Results and discussion. Provide data in a logical sequence in text, tables and figures. Measurement values must comply with the International System of Units (SI). It is necessary to emphasize the novelty of the results of research and, if possible, compare them with the data of other researchers. References to information sources in the text of the manuscript are given in square brackets in Arabic numerals in accordance with the numbers in the bibliographic list.

   6.1. Design of tables. The design of the tables is regulated by the requirements of GOST 7.32 - 2017. All tables must be accompanied by intra -text links. The table is placed after the first mention in the text of the work. For design, through (sequential) numbering by Arabic numbers is used. The word "Table" is prescribed completely, without abbreviations. Each table should have a name.

   6.2. Design of figures. The design of graphic materials (diagrams, charts, drawings, graphs, etc.) is regulated by GOST 7.32-2017. Like the tables, the figures are numbered by Arabic numerals. The numbering should be through. The word "figure" in the signature for the illustration is prescribed completely, then its full name (without point and quotation marks) is indicated. Each figure should have a link in the manuscript text. The illustration is placed after the corresponding text indicating the link to it. The initial data for diagrams (numerical values) should be provided with separate files in the format of the MS Excel table. Photos should be provided in .JPG or .PNG format and have a size of at least 1 MB.

   6.3. Formatting inline and subscript links. Bibliographic references (intratext, subscript) issued in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008.


An example of the design of bibliographic references in accordance with GOST R can be downloaded here..


7. Conclusions (conclusion). After the discussion, it is necessary to give answers to the questions posed in the background part, provide reasonable recommendations and a brief conclusion.

8. Bibliographic list (literature, sources). It is issued in accordance with the requirements of GOST R. 7.0.5-2008. All works used in writing the article are indicated. References to sources are given in the order of citation in the article. When using Internet resources, the URL and date of access are indicated. If there are obvious inaccuracies in the source of literature or it is not mentioned in the text of the article, the editors reserve the right to exclude it from the list.

It is necessary to use up-to-date, modern sources no older than 5-7 years, otherwise the expediency of publishing the article may be nullified. The authors of articles must provide a bibliographic list (References) in two versions: in the original language and in Latin (Roman alphabet) in accordance with the requirements of international citation systems. If the list contains links to foreign publications, they are completely repeated in the list translated into Latin. In the Roman alphabet for Russian-language sources, the following bibliographic reference structure is required: authors (transliteration in accordance with GOST 7.79-2000), translation of the title of an article or book into English, name of the source (transliteration in accordance with GOST 7.79-2000. If the source has an official duplicate title in English language, it must be given in brackets after transliteration), output data (year, number), an indication of the language of the article in brackets (in Russian).


An example of a bibliographic list in accordance with GOST R can be downloaded here..


At the end of the article, be sure to indicate the last name, first name and patronymic of the corresponding author, his email address and mobile phone number.

Articles that do not comply with these rules may be rejected without consideration.